
Ahmed Hadef

Journaliste - Communicant
Tunis, Tunisie

Ahmed Hadef

Journaliste - Communicant
Tunis, Tunisie


Concentré sur les questions d'intérêt public. Passionné par la géopolitique et les relations internationales. Orienté vers l'Asie de l'est et précisément l'étude de l'histoire et de la civilisation chinoise (la sinologie).


QLM Media


Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l'Information
Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l'Information


QLM Media

How did people live before the invention of the refrigerator?

100 years ago, the refrigerator was just an idea in the head of its inventor. However, this invention has become essential today for the majority of the population. But what did people do before the refrigerator?
QLM Media
QLM Special: Water

How is the water distributed to Tunisians?

Water in Tunisia. A subject that ranges from hydrology to agriculture, from rural town planning to geology. We were able to collect a huge amount of data, and a lot of work was done to process and synthesize this data in order to explain the general water situation in Tunisia: here is the result!
QLM Media

Geopolitics of gas (part 1)

The first episode on natural gas tends to explain the disparity between states in their reserves of this strategic resource. It also demonstrates the advantage of the state which has this fossil energy.
QLM Media

Geopolitics of gas (part 2)

Based on international reports and studies on global gas trade, this video aims to explain the global impact of the destabilization of the natural gas market. Gas is a primordial energy for certain countries, and when it is lacking, conflicts become wars like the Ukrainian case (among other causes)
QLM Media

Red meat: How is the Tunisian in a better situation than the European?

Red meat could help human metabolism in muscle development. But excess red meat can cause health and environmental problems. Environmental? How come ? Discover the explanation in this video.
QLM Media

How did reduce traffic pressure?

From a perspective of "solution journalism", I called, during this episode, on Ms. Saloua Ferjani, architect and urban planner and professor at the National School of Architecture to explain to us why there is considerable road traffic and what are the best practices to avoid it.
QLM Media

Why are we unequal to the mosquito?

The mosquito is a small creature and has a phenomenal capacity for adaptation. Beyond the annoyance that mosquitoes cause when they bite us, they can cause health problems when they are vectors of disease. Discover the “how and why” with this explainer.
QLM Media
QLM Special: Water

How does water get to the tap?

This episode treats the subject of surface water, mobilized mainly in dams, and their transport to Tunisian households. From physics to infrastructure and public policies, we took another step in the visualization of data and the creative representation of a scientific subject.
QLM Media

Why does Tunisia appear small to us?

“Tunisia is small” is a common idea firmly established in tunisian minds for a lot of reasons. When we look at the map, we see that Tunisia is small. But the reality is different. Follow this video with us to find out...
QLM Media

Why are China and Taiwan in conflict?

The news of summer 2022 forced us to take a step back and explain one of the biggest conflicts of the 21st century between the Chinese giant and its Taiwanese neighbor. One of the most complex international relations explained in Tunisian dialect with animated maps, a first in Tunisia!
QLM Media

How did Spacetoon become phenomenal?

Spacetoon is an panarabe children's television channel that was created in the early 2000s. It left its mark on an entire generation. This explainer was a research challenge to find the necessary documentation to understand the business model and the evolution of this phenomenal channel.
QLM Media

150m underwater without breathing? how ?

Freediving is a discipline that challenges human limits. I had the immense pleasure of interviewing Mr. Walid Boudhief, world champion in variable weight freediving, to explain to us the scientific challenges that athletes encounter at extreme depths.
QLM Media

Why are Iran and the United States in conflict?

Since the outbreak of the Iranian Revolution in 1979, US-Iranian relations have deteriorated drastically. In this explainer we return to the direct conflict between the leading world power and a regional power that wants to be global.
QLM Media

How did cannabis become global?

In Tunisia, the subject of cannabis always remains sensitive to discuss. In order to produce this explainer I met regular consumers, distributors, travelers who have tried several types of cannabis, breeders, pharmacists, psychologists and even dealers.
QLM Media

5 tips: How to avoid crowding!

Referring to Fouloscopie by Mehdi Moussaid, we tried to explain and dissect the crowd movement. In a second place, from a perspective which is part of "solution journalism", I sought to give the 5 best advice, detected in the same book, in order to avoid the risk of fatal accidents in the crowd.
QLM Media

Why do Tunisians prefer the "LOUAGE" ?

Traveling within Tunisia is quite complex. And this transport and mobility problem is mainly due to poor planning and organization. Except that nature doesn't like a vacuum, that's why "Louage" exists. Discover how the "Louage" solves, in some way, the problem of mobility in Tunisia.
QLM Media

How do they draw the land borders?

Sometimes we notice that the borders are very straight. This explainer gives the main ways in which we draw these lines in 5 minutes.
QLM Media

Why does the length of the Tunisian coast change?

1150 km, 1300 km, 1400 km, 2290 km...? What is the real length of the Tunisian coast? And why is there such a big difference in measurements? Watch this explainer to know more about the coastline paradox.
QLM Media

2022 in 6 minutes

Summarizing the national and international events of an entire year was a daunting task. For this reason, the entire QLM team contributed to this achievement. Mine was to identify the significant geopolitical events and technological events of the year 2022 and to find the best videos to use.
QLM Media
QLM Special: Water

Water in Tunisia: how are we going to explain it!

Water in Tunisia. During this project I interviewed around twenty experts, I attended conferences, I read hundreds of studies, I visited the dams on a study trip with the University of Tunis. This introductif video explains the methodology of this journalistic work.
QLM Media
انت و كفّك

Your cards, your chance ! (Part 3 : Noufi)

In this innovative concept, we called on Ms. Mariem Loukil, university professor of probability. Thanks to her we tried to understand mathematical probabilities in a different way : with the game "Nouffi".
QLM Media
انت و كفّك

Your cards, your chance ! (Part 2 : Chkobba/Scoppa)

In this innovative concept, we called on Ms. Mariem Loukil, university professor of probability. Thanks to her we tried to understand some mathematical porbabily in a different way : with "Chkobba".
QLM Media
انت و كفّك

Your cards, your chance ! (Part 1 : Belote)

In this innovative concept, we called on Ms. Mariem Loukil, university professor of probability. Thanks to her we tried to understand belote in a different way.
QLM Media
Hit pause

Linguist reacts to different Tunisian dialects (Part 3)

In this video of Hit Pause, researcher and linguistics specialist Safa Chebil comments on the use of the Tunisian dialect in Ramadan series.
QLM Media
Hit pause

Linguist reacts to different Tunisian dialects (Part 2)

In this video of Hit Pause, researcher and linguistics specialist Safa Chebil comments on the use of the Tunisian dialect in Ramadan series.
QLM Media
Hit pause

Linguist reacts to different Tunisian dialects (Part 1)

In this video of Hit Pause, researcher and linguistics specialist Safa Chebil comments on the use of the Tunisian dialect in Ramadan series.
QLM Media
Hit pause

Semiologist react on ancient Tunisian ads (part 3)

After having identified old Tunisian advertisements which left their mark, we chose with our Semiologist, Mrs. Hend Soudani, a few extracts in order to analyze them scientifically.
QLM Media
Hit pause

Semiologist react on ancient Tunisian ads (part 2)

After having identified old Tunisian advertisements which left their mark, we chose with our Semiologist, Mrs. Hend Soudani, a few extracts in order to analyze them scientifically.
QLM Media
Hit pause

Semiologist react on ancient Tunisian ads (part 1)

After having identified old Tunisian advertisements which left their mark, we chose with our Semiologist, Mrs. Hend Soudani, a few extracts in order to analyze them scientifically.
QLM Media

How does the Arab world spend its money during Ramadan?

This video is an application of data visualization in the Arab world. We collected data on food consumption behavior during Ramadan and tried to analyze it and present it in this journalistic story.
QLM Media

How does television works during Ramadan?

This work is the result of a long establishment of a database of Arabic TV series during Ramadan of the year 2023. The analysis of this data and its processing allowed us to tell a captivating journalistic story and to stand out by addressing a subject often covered in the Arab media.
Kyubi Digital
Publicité | Ulysson

Abida - Ad

It is a journey into Tunisian history from the Amazigh era w the couscous, until landing in current era with dishes like Chmenka, Hlelem;all illustrated through a musical comedy within a set which represents the joy,the conviviality and the historical and cultural wealth that we find in ABIDA's box

Taraji Run - Ad

During the 100th anniversary of Esperance Sportive de Tunis, I conceptualized a marathon in the glorious history of the EST. All along the run, panels and posters which symbolize the greatest moments of the club, the personalities who have influenced it positively have been displayed.