
Lauriane Irien

Nantes, France

Lauriane Irien

Nantes, France


Curieuse dans l'âme et passionnée d'écriture, de l'actualité européenne et de sport, je partage mes articles ici.


Parlement européen
European Cyclist's Federation
Eyes On Europe


Eyes On Europe

Les démocraties européennes, entre inquiétudes et espoirs

Eyes on Europe's Spring Magazine 2022 is out!
Eyes On Europe

European Green Deal, une Europe plus verte est-elle possible?

Eyes on Europe's Winter Magazine 2021 is out!
Parlement européen

IATE Term of the Week: European Political Community

The European Political Community is a new European Political Organization proposed by French President Emmanuel Macron in May 2022 in the context of the changing geopolitical dynamics on the European continent.
Parlement européen

Sport brings us together!

In September 2019, I and my rowing team took part in the European University Rowing Championships in Sweden. It's a story about the strength of friendship and of sharing our passion for sport with strangers regardless of their nationality or politics.
Eyes On Europe

Online education in times of Covid-19 - A challenging transition for European countries.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted society deeply. A majority of European students had to deal with remote learning. Educations establishments had no choice but to rapidly adapt to the situation, which shed the light on already existing inequalities and brought many other challenges.
Eyes On Europe

Décliner l'Europe au féminin

Eyes on Europe's 2020 Winter Magazine is out! Check out my article about European countries reaction's to digital education during the Covid 19 pandemic.

EUSA rowing university championships - Jönkoping, Sweden

Interviewed by the Jkpg team at the European University Rowing Championships in Sweden.
Eyes On Europe

Faire un stage à la Commission Européenne - EYES ON INTERNS

🔔 Eyes on Europe est heureux de vous dévoiler le premier épisode de la série Eyes on Interns 🔔Aujourd'hui, Lauriane Irien et Romane Armangau rencontrent Kr...
Eyes On Europe

Amsterdam : Les coffeeshops bientôt interdits aux étrangers pour lutter contre le tourisme de masse

Depuis la mise en place de restrictions touristiques liées à la crise du Covid, la ville connaît un ralentissement massif du tourisme. Les élus de la ville, dans le but de redorer l’image d’Amsterdam, ont proposé une mesure visant à interdire les coffeeshops aux visiteurs étrangers.
Eyes On Europe

EuroVélo: Le réseau de voies cyclables trans-européennes pour découvrir le continent.

Le projet EuroVélo, le réseau de voies cyclables traversant l’Europe du Nord au Sud et d’Ouest en Est, voit son succès grandir chaque année. Découvrir le continent à vélo: une expérience unique et qui s'inscrit dans une dynamique de tourisme durable.

EuroVelo 19 - Top cycling infrastructure for a stress-free cycling trip!

Cycling makes you happy. The changing landscapes. The breeze in your hair. The connection to nature...the list goes on. But what if your cycling experience could be made even better by cycling on consistently high-quality infrastructure across international borders?

5 steps to plan your cycling trip on EuroVelo 19 – Meuse Cycle Route

Springtime has come! As the banks of the Meuse River are certainly full of blossoming flowers right now, you’ll find here all the tips to plan a successful cycling trip along EuroVelo 19.

Voyager en automne sur la Route de la Côte Atlantique : les destinations incontournables.

L'été est souvent la saison la plus propice à l'usage du vélo, mais les saisons hivernale et automnales n'ont rien à envier: elles vous révèleront un autre visage de la nature. Laissez les couleurs de l'automne de la Route de la côte Atlantique vous guider!

Cycling adventures on the Atlantic! - Discover hidden rural gems along EuroVelo 1

EuroVelo 1 – Atlantic Coast Route doesn’t only take you along the dramatic and breathtaking Atlantic coast. A cycling adventure on EuroVelo 1 will also lead you to a wilderness of undiscovered territories full of beauty and opportunity.
European Cyclist's Federation

Planning to attend Velo-city 2022 in Ljubljana? Why not cycle there?

Bordered by four countries (Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Croatia) and the Adriatic Sea, Slovenia is crossed by three EuroVelo routes: EuroVelo 9 – Baltic Adriatic, EuroVelo 8 – Mediterranean Route and EuroVelo 13 – Iron Curtain trail.