
Léopoldine Iribarren

Journaliste Programmatrice/Enquêtrice
Paris / Bordeaux, France

Léopoldine Iribarren

Journaliste Programmatrice/Enquêtrice
Paris / Bordeaux, France


Je suis une journaliste télévision passionnée de géopolitique et de sujets de société, j'affectionne particulièrement l'enquête, le documentaire, le médium vidéo ainsi que le podcast.


France 2
Usbek & Rica
Le Parisien


Griffith College Dublin
Griffith College Dublin
Ecole du Nouveau Journalisme (EFJ)
Ecole du Nouveau Journalisme (EFJ)



Angela Merkel, un bilan contesté | 19-21 | ARTE

"Liberté", les mémoires d'Angela Merkel sont sorties cette semaine dans une trentaine de pays. Celle qui est restée seize ans à la tête du gouvernement y défend son bilan politique.

Pourquoi les Français ne font plus d'enfants| 19-21 | ARTE

En 2023, la France a enregistré une baisse inédite des naissances. Un recul de 6% par rapport à l'an dernier, et de 20% depuis 2010. Mais pourquoi les Français font-ils de moins en moins d’enfants, et quelles conséquences cela peut-il avoir pour l’avenir du pays ?

Soumission chimique : le nouveau fléau ? | 19-21 | ARTE

Le procès de Dominique Pelicot, accusé d’avoir drogué, violé et livré sa femme à d’autres hommes recrutés sur Internet, choque et émeut la France. Ce procès est aussi celui de la soumission chimique. Alors de quoi s’agit-il et comment lutter contre ce fléau ?
France 2

Le don d'organe

Il s'agit d'une interview de Florence Bouté dont la fille Alice est décédée à l'age de 16 ans. Cette interview évoque le don d'organe de sa fille.
France 2

L'interview d'actualité

Yasmine Belkaid, nouvelle directrice de l'Institut Pasteur.
France 2

L'interview d'actualité

Témoignage de Ninon Mathey et enquête de la journaliste Manon Quérouil-Bruneel sur le #MeTooArmée.
28 Minutes | KM Production

Raphaël Doan / Décès d'Evgueni Prigojine

Un avion privé russe s'est écrasé le 23 août dans la région du Tver, au nord de Moscou, ne laissant à priori aucun survivant sur ses dix passagers. Parmi eux : Prigojine, le chef du groupe paramilitaire russe Wagner, présent dans de nombreux pays d'Afrique. Serait-ce un coup du Kremlin ?
28 Minutes | KM Production

Philippe Delerm / Ukraine : livraison d'avions F-16

Des avions de combat F-16 livrés à l’Ukraine : le tournant de la guerre ?
The Debate

How to pick up the pieces? France reckons with week of riots

From the anger over a police shooting and its attempted cover-up to the riots and destruction that have left a local mayor’s wife in hospital, has the violence now drowned out the legitimate outrage over what sparked it?
27 | Magneto Presse

Pêche intensive : un crime contre les océans ?

Surpêche, pollution plastique, extraction minière... Moins de 2% des mers européennes bénéficient de mesures de conservation. Comment améliorer la durabilité et la résilience de nos océans ? Peut-on protéger les milieux marins tout en établissant un cadre légal pour une pêche régulée et durable ?
The Debate

Countdown to inauguration: Washington under lockdown for Trump-Biden transition

On the eve of Joe Biden's inauguration as the 46th US president, we bring you a special edition of the France 24 Debate from a heavily fortified Washington. Can Biden reconcile an America that's more divided than ever? Have we heard the last of Donald Trump as he retreats to his resort in Florida?

SpaceX : la tête dans les étoiles... La main sur le portefeuille ?

À Cap Canaveral ce dimanche, quatre astronautes - trois Américains et un Japonais - ont décollé dans une fusée Falcon 9 de la compagnie d'Elon Musk, SpaceX. Direction la Station Spatiale Internationa…
27 | Magneto Presse

Intelligence artificielle : révolution ou aliénation ?

Voitures connectées, assistants vocaux, médecine prédictive : l’IA est omniprésente dans notre société et l’irruption du chatbot ChatGPT marque un nouveau tournant. Faut-il avoir peur de l'IA ? Est-elle synonyme de révolution, ou d’aliénation ? Va-t-elle nous enrichir ou nous remplacer ?
The Debate

Still master of the Kremlin: What options for Putin after failed mutiny?

It's almost as if it never happened. The unrivalled master of the Kremlin for 23 years has emerged from a moment of wavering with the leader of an aborted march on Moscow now sidelined and forced abroad, Russian troops on the frontlines in Ukraine who continue to hold their own...
27 | Magneto Presse

Faut-il privatiser les transports en commun ?

Trains supprimés, retards chroniques, matériel vétuste… Pour faire face à ces défis et réduire les coûts, certains pays ont délégué cette gestion de nos déplacements à des opérateurs privés. L’ouverture à la concurrence peut-elle être bénéfique ou, fragilise-t-elle la qualité du service rendu ?
27 | Magneto Presse

Réseaux sociaux : un danger pour la démocratie ?

Polarisation des opinions, promotion des contenus les plus radicaux, polémiques incessantes : les réseaux sociaux sont accusés d’avoir enterré toute possibilité de débat. Et avec elle une certaine idée de la démocratie.
27 | Magneto Presse

Brevets pharmaceutiques : payer ou mourir ?

Les vaccins, traitements et médicaments contre les maladies sont devenus un business très lucratif pour l’industrie pharmaceutique. Les prix pratiqués, empêchent souvent les plus pauvres d'être correctement soignés. Libérer les brevets serait-il la panacée pour répondre aux défis de la santé ?
The Debate

Russia invades Ukraine: How strong is the West’s resolve?

Western powers ramp up sanctions against Russia, but will it be enough? Russia launched an invasion with attacks by land, sea and by air. It followed a speech in which Putin promised the “de-Nazification” of Ukraine's democratically-elected government.
Special edition in Washin...

And the winner is? America braces for post-election battle

François Picard and his guest panel debate the topic of the day. Viewers and web users can interact directly with the team using the #F24Debate hashtag.
27 | Magneto Presse

Euthanasie : la fin d'un tabou ?

Les Pays-Bas, la Belgique, le Luxembourg et, plus récemment, l’Espagne, autorisent l’euthanasie. La Suisse a choisi une autre voie, celle du suicide assisté. Alors quelle voie suivre pour accompagner les malades qui ne souhaitent plus vivre ?
The Debate

Humanitarian alert in Ukraine: Is Europe doing enough?

In Ukraine the destruction continues and the death toll increases. Tonight we are focusing on the humanitarian situation. This Monday, day 19 of the Russian invasion, there have been strikes on residential buildings on the outskirts of Kyiv. A Russian vice squeezing the Ukrainian capital.
27 | Magneto Presse

Fast Fashion : une mode condamnable ?

Fast fashion : pull à moins de 10 euros, Tee-shirt à 2 euros, manteau à moins de 30 euros… Cette mode de piètre qualité, très polluante inonde les tiroirs de millions d'européens. Face à ces méthodes de production indignes, des marques éthiques tentent de changer de modèle… Mais à quel prix ?
27 | Magneto Presse

Sécurité sanitaire des aliments : peut-on être sûrs de ce qu’on mange ?

Bactérie E. coli dans les pizzas, salmonelle dans les chocolats et dans le lait infantile : ces scandales à répétition interrogent sur les méthodes de contrôles sanitaires des entreprises agroalimentaires. Comment expliquer ces manquements ? Peut-on manger sans risquer d’être contaminé ?
27 | Magneto Presse

Metoo : les femmes ont-elles vraiment gagné la bataille ? - Regarder l’émission complète | ARTE

#MeToo : cinq ans après, où en est-on ? L’évolution espérée a-t-elle eu lieu ? Accusé d’avoir initié une nouvelle guerre des sexes, de promouvoir le puritanisme ou d’être une chasse aux sorciers, #metoo a-t-il fait avancer la cause des femmes ?
27 | Magneto Presse

Comment vivre sous la menace climatique ?

Canicules, inondations, sécheresses… : le dérèglement climatique rend ces menaces toujours plus extrêmes sur le continent européen. Comment faire face à ces cataclysmes ? Comment construire des territoires plus résilients ?
27 | Magneto Presse

Gaz russe : va-t-on pouvoir se chauffer cet hiver ?

Animé par Nora Hamadi, ce nouveau magazine aborde l’Europe sur le versant collaboratif.
27 | Magneto Presse

L'accès à l'avortement est-il menacé en Europe ?

À l’heure où le droit des femmes à disposer de leur corps est plus que jamais menacé, comme en témoigne le recul historique de juin dernier aux Etats-Unis, comment préserver l'accès légal à l’IVG en Europe ? Nora Hamadi en débat dans ce nouveau numéro de "27".
The Debate

The battle of Donbas: What's Putin's plan for Ukraine now?

They're calling it the battle of Donbas. After nearly two months of mishaps and setbacks, Russia is putting all its might into a bid to capture the entire east of Ukraine. But will it capture it or flatten it? We ask our guests about the Kremlin's endgame and the scramble to re-arm the Ukrainians.
The Debate

The battle of Donbas: What's Putin's plan for Ukraine now?

They're calling it the battle of Donbas. After nearly two months of mishaps and setbacks, Russia is putting all its might into a bid to capture the entire east of Ukraine. But will it capture it or flatten it? We ask our guests about the Kremlin's endgame and the scramble to re-arm the Ukrainians.
The Debate

Putin shuts the tap: How will Europe respond to Russian gas cut?

The rest of Europe may not be at war, but is it ready for the sacrifices of a wartime economy? The Kremlin shutting the gas tap on Bulgaria and Poland may be but a prelude to a brutally swift transition away from Russian gas and oil. Deals will be dropped, money will be lost.
The Debate

Can Moscow ignore the outrage? Russia rejects mounting evidence of Ukraine war crimes

Moscow has so far shrugged off hard evidence of summary executions in the liberated Kyiv suburb of Bucha, evidence which continues to mount. As the West dials up sanctions and arms shipments, as Ukraine's president makes his case to the UN Security Council, we gauge the mood in the room.
The Debate

High-stakes rematch: Can Le Pen turn the tide against Macron in TV debate?

Can she erase the memory of her meltdown in 2017? Trailing in the polls, Marine Le Pen has ground to make up when she squares off with Emmanuel Macron in the one and only French presidential election candidates' debate. It's an exercise that matters in a nation that takes its politics seriously.

Scorched earth? West weighs stiffer sanctions as Russia denies war crimes in Ukraine

Is it a turning point? There's outrage over the carnage and desolation left behind by retreating Russian forces north of Ukraine's capital. We discuss war crimes accusations in the Kyiv suburb of Bucha and ask whether the Kremlin's ultimate objective is to occupy Ukraine or reduce it to rubble.
The Debate

Can India stay out of it? While West sanctions Russia, Delhi maintains historic ties

It's that old adage: your friends' friends are not always your friends. Over the years, India has drifted towards the United States, partly due to its border tensions with China...
The Debate

How far will it go? Russia attacks western Ukraine as aid remains blocked

What's the role played by Western allies in the Ukraine conflict. We're asking: what will NATO do next? There was more destruction in and around Kyiv this Tuesday. So what will NATO do? It's a question many observers are asking.
The World This Week

The World This Week

Cartoonist Zapiro's work is showcased as part of the Cartooning in Africa exhibit that opens this Saturday in Paris at the Forum des Images. Throughout the show, we feature his work and that of his fellow cartoonists.
The Debate

Europe's moment of truth? Russian invasion of Ukraine tests EU's resolve

What a difference an invasion makes. As EU leaders gathered for an emergency summit in the Paris suburb of Versailles, gone were the dissenting voices willing to cosy up to the Kremlin. From the far right to the far left, the excuses of 2014 – when Russia annexed Crimea – have gone silent.
The Debate

Russian invasion enters third week: Can Ukraine hold out?

A fortnight in, there's no turning back for Vladimir Putin. His ground forces have progressed in stops and starts, while shelling Ukrainian cities and the civilians trapped inside. So is it really going to plan for the Kremlin? For Ukrainians, it's a blunt choice of fight or flight...
The Debate

Mother of all sanctions: Can the West do without Russian oil and gas?

Europe's first full-scale invasion of a sovereign state since World War II, a refugee crisis to match and an endgame sure to upend more than just the West's resolve: as the EU turns up the heat on Vladimir Putin, it's already asking citizens to turn down their thermostats...
The Debate

How far will it spiral? Russian invasion draws NATO closer to Ukraine

Does the West go all in? A third day of broken ceasefire promises in Ukraine clearly illustrates that Russia has gone all in and will not settle for anything short of victory on the battlefield. We ask about the latest out of the crucial port cities of Odessa and Mariupol...
The Debate

Collective response: Is Europe doing its best for Ukraine?

As bells ring out across Europe in support of Ukraine, refugees fleeing the country are now in excess of a million. On the Polish border, women and children part ways with the men who must return and fight against Russian forces. France has welcomed the first Ukrainian refugees with open arms...
The Debate

Biden's Ukraine strategy: Money, weapons, sanctions... what next?

With the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv devastated and the capital Kyiv braced for an attack by a massive Russian convoy, we're asking whether the US has made the right calls on Ukraine. The message of Joe Biden's State of the Union address was one of solidarity with President Volodymyr Zelensky.
The Debate

War in Ukraine: What if the Russians are against it?

The situation in Ukraine is the focus of the world's media. The shelling of Kharkiv has been condemned as a war crime by the EU's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell. There has been damage across the whole of Ukraine, but the next phase of the Russian operation is expected to be even more violent.
The Debate

War in Ukraine: Can talks and sanctions stop Putin?

Talks have begun on the Belarus border between representatives of Ukraine and Russia. But the one voice that counts and can immediately stop the violence is that of Vladimir Putin. Has the Russian president already gone too far and signed the end of his own time in power?..
The Debate

Declaration of war? Putin makes his move as West dials up sanctions

All bets are off: the Russian president has made his move. Months of Western efforts to stave off a Crimea-like land grab seem to have been wiped out with the stroke of a pen. Does Vladimir Putin's recognition of two breakaway regions of Ukraine's Donbass as independent mean war?
The Debate

What does Putin want? New red line crossed as Russia pressures Ukraine

Has war been declared? Following a day during which the Kremlin ratcheted up its rhetoric, François Picard’s panel weighs the consequences of the call in Moscow to recognise Ukraine’s pro-Russian separatist regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. They also discuss Vladimir Putin’s ultimate goal.
The Debate

After Mali withdrawal: Sahel insecurity, coup contagion dominate EU-AU summit

Europe and Africa already had more than enough in their in-tray going into their first Brussels summit in nearly eight years. Now you can add coup contagion and the pullout of French-led anti-terror forces from Mali. The day began in Paris for key players in the Sahel...
The Debate

Mission abort: What next for Mali after French-led withdrawal?

It's not a question of if but how: France's president is hosting African and European allies before the announcement of a withdrawal from Mali. Relations have seriously soured with the junta in Bamako ever since a second coup in as many years and the cozying up of the military to Russia....
The Debate

India's future: Will more Modi mean less for Muslims, women and the media?

The fate of Muslims, women and the media are just three of the issues under the spotlight in India's regional elections. The northern state of Uttar Pradesh perhaps best sums up what's at stake. It has been ruled by PM Modi's Hindu nationalist BJP for the past five years but today...
The Debate

Time to talk? German chancellor urges Moscow to step back as Zelensky vows to join NATO

Diplomacy continues in a bid to resolve the Ukraine crisis. This Monday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz went to Kiev to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksy. This as a ring of Russian troops tightens around Ukraine