Alice Carnevali
Journaliste / Podcast Producer
Brussels, Belgium
Brussels, Belgium
Podcast producer and former Google News Initiative fellow. 📹 Experiences in radio, social media, podcast and video journalism. 🌍 I work in English, French, Italian and, if needed, Spanish.Expérience
Frammenti di Storia
The Bottom Up Magazine
Le Vlipp
Radio 54
The Hikma's Post
Utrecht Universiteit
Università di Bologna
Sciences Po Rennes
PODCAST| The workplace will get worse before it gets better, Bruce Daisley
Bruce Daisley is a best selling author on a mission to make the workplace more enjoyable. Based in the UK, he is a former VP of Twitter. Listen to episode two of the second season of My Wildest Prediction to find out more.
DIGITAL ARTICLE & VIDEO| 'My Brilliant Friend': Why it is the best book of the 21st century
The Neapolitan novel "My Brilliant Friend" by Elena Ferrante has topped several best-seller lists, even being described as the 'greatest' book of the 21st century. While the secrets of its success seem clear, the author's identity remains shrouded in mystery...
YOUTUBE VIDEO| Green or red button for Ariane 6's launch?
Meet the people working behind the scenes of Europe's Ariane 6 rocket.
How do they feel in the months shortly before the take-off?
TIKTOK| Belgium becomes first country in the world to approve labour law for sex workers
Belgium has become the first country in the world to approve a labour law for sex workers. Thanks to this bill, sex workers can sign employment contracts and access social security provisions, and employers are demanded to follow stricter rules to guarantee the safety of their employees.
TIKTOK| Italy's national broadcaster Rai accused of censorship
Italy’s national broadcaster Rai has been making headlines due to allegations of censorship. The debate gained new momentum a week ago when Rai cancelled author Antonio Scurati’s appearance on a TV show where he was supposed to read a monologue on antifascism for Italy’s Liberation Day (25 April).
TIKTOK| Central and Eastern Europeans increasingly under-represented in EU top jobs
Central and Eastern Europeans are increasingly excluded from EU leadership positions, while Western Europeans are consolidating their dominance in the bloc's institutions, new research by European Democracy Consulting shows.
TIKTOK| EU Parliament greenlights new migration reform
The European Parliament has approved the New Pact on Migration and Asylum.
The New Pact fails to modify the core principle of the Dublin Regulation, but it introduces some changes that are already sparking debate for their possible impacts on human rights.
PODCAST| Q&A: What's with all the hype about hydrogen in Europe?
Will hydrogen become the new petrol? Does it pollute? How much does it cost? To answer these questions, we talk to Rosalinde van der Vlies, the Director of Clean Planet in DG Research and Innovation at the European Commission.
DIGITAL ARTICLE| How the 'hidden gem' of Indian esports was caught cheating
In 2018, the Indian esports team qualified for an Asian gaming competition, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the underdogs of the esports arena. During a crucial match, the admins stopped the game. Forsaken, one of the Indian players, was caught cheating. This is his story.
DIGITAL ARTICLE| How did Anthony Clark become the FIFA video game hacker?
In 2013, four friends realised they could earn money by exploiting a flaw in the video game FIFA. Unaware of any wrongdoings, they continued their activity until the FBI knocked on their doors. This is the story of Anthony Clark, the group’s leader, and one the world’s most skilled hackers.
YOUTUBE VIDEO| The mystery of the metaverse explained for children
Struggling to understand what the metaverse truly is? The team of Euronews Tech Talks helps you to visualize it with an explainer suitable for everyone.Join ...
DIGITAL ARTICLE| Euronews Culture investigates: Did Santa Claus die in Nantes?
What sort of Christmas would it be without a controversy over decorations? Euronews Culture looks at the debate that unfolded around Le Voyage en Hiver in the French city of Nantes, and tries to solve the "crime".
TIKTOK| Italy is the first country to ban lab-based products
Italy has become the first country to ban cultured meat. The new law was introduced by Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing government and could clash with the EU regulation. The measure sparked debate between agricultural workers and animal rights groups. But why? And what exactly is lab-grown meat?
PODCAST| Are edible insects the food of the future?
In his Parisian restaurant, chef Laurent Veyet is creating haute cuisine dishes with a few twists – insects. A colourful garden plate with mealworms and crickets is part of his eco-responsible culinary vision for a sustainable food future.
DIGITAL ARTICLE| Ethiopian entrepreneur revives teff farming for ancestral heritage
Teff is the star ingredient of Ethiopian cuisine, yet this grain is also a victim of biopiracy- the unethical exploitation of indigenous knowledge and biological resources. In this episode, we meet Yonas Alemu, a man who is committed to inverting this trend by modernizing teff production.
DIGITAL ARTICLE| Festivalfilosofia 2023: Lessons learned on contemporary Italy
This year's Festivalfilosofia held more than 200 events and 50 guests. The 2023 edition focused on the philosophical implications of the word. We take a look back at the event to understand how it linked existential discussions to gender equality and hate speech in today’s Italy.
DIGITAL ARTICLE| Festivalfilosofia: Swapping classroom philosophy for the streets
Join us on a trip to Carpi, Modena and Sassuolo in Italy where this weekend, Festivalfilosofia aims to take philosophy out of stuffy lecture halls and into public squares. Carpi-born writer Alice Carnevali shares her memories of the event and how its played a significant role in her life.
YOUTUBE EXPLAINER| The mystery of blockchain explained for children
The truth is, it can be hard to place trust in something you don't fully understand, and it's safe to say that blockchain is not exactly a straightforward concept.
Here's an attempt to bridge this knowledge gap and make this concept more understandable.
PODCAST| Fati Niang, the chef decolonising Senegalese street food
Niébé is an essential ingredient in Senegalese street food. Branded as ‘food for the poor’ by the colonists, the cowpea has long been neglected by African countries. But chef Fati Niang is determined to give niébé a comeback as a popular legume used to flavour fancy finger food recipes like accras.
DIGITAL ARTICLE| Sitopia: Reshaping our relationship with food and cities
In modern cities, we rarely know the full story behind what ends up on our plates: where food comes from, how it is produced, and how it affects our environment. In this episode, we’re meeting two women who are working to enhance food security by bringing food to the core of our urban centres.
YOUTUBE INTERVIEW| D’Instagram au grand écran
À l'occasion du Festival du Cinéma Espagnol de Nantes, Carla Quilez (15 ans) nous raconte son expérience comme protagoniste du film La Maternal de Pilar Palomero. Devenue actrice grâce à son compte Instagram, Carla a une énergie contagieuse et une expressivité remarquable.
YOUTUBE INTERVIEW| Conversation avec Carolina Cavalli [Festival Univerciné Italien]
Réalisatrice, scénariste et écrivaine, Carolina Cavalli se dévoile aux micros du Vlipp dans un entretien qui va au cœur de ses productions artistiques.
DOCUMENTARY| Le devoir de mémoire collective [NANTES FACE À SON PASSÉ NÉGRIER #2]
Est-ce qu’aujourd’hui les nantais et nantaises sont conscients du passé esclavagiste de leur ville ? Et Nantes fait-elle assez pour assumer et reconnaître son histoire ? Octave Cestor, fondateur de Mémoires d'Outre-Mer et les nantais.e.s essayent de répondre à ces questions.
DIGITAL ARTICLE|Briser le silence : Sarah Abitbol contre les violences sexuelles
Championne de patinage, Sarah Abitbol revient à Nantes pour rompre le silence sur les violences sexuelles dans le sport. Un témoignage qui retrace l’histoire de la patineuse, dès les premières agressions jusqu’à son amnésie traumatique et sa décision d’employer sa voix pour aider d’autres femmes.
REEL| La riforma delle pensioni di Alain Juppé
Il 19 e il 31 gennaio, i principali sindacati francesi hanno organizzato due scioperi nazionali contro la riforma delle pensioni voluta dal presidente Macron e dal primo ministro Borne. Ma le pensioni non sono certo una nuova fonte di rivolta per i nostri vicini francesi.
ARTICLE| Trovare casa nei Paesi Bassi, l’inferno immobiliare degli studenti espatriati
Anche in Olanda, il diritto alla casa non è una garanzia.
In questo reportage sul campo, tre studenti espatriati raccontano la loro difficile esperienza col mercato immobiliare olandese. Un inferno tra discriminazioni istituzionalizzate e disinformazione.
LIVE INSTAGRAM| Football, storia e politica: non solo Qatar 2022
Episodio #1 della seconda stagione di "Mezzo Giro di Orologio" in compagnia di @ricbrizzi, professore associato di Storia Contemporanea e specializzato in storia dello sport ⚽️ Abbiamo parlato di quanto i Mondiali si trasformino in immensi vettori politici.
Militer pour les droits des femmes afghanes : un engagement qui ne connaît pas de frontières
Depuis le retour au pouvoir des talibans, les femmes afghanes se sont encore plus engagées pour protéger leurs droits fondamentaux. NEGAR nous amène à la découverte du militantisme des femmes qui restent dans le pays taliban, de celles réfugiées à l’étranger et de leurs alliées internationales.
REEL| Pour la planète, le troc n'a pas de prix [ECOTIPS #3]
Imaginez une boutique où l'échange remplace l'argent. Et bien, au cœur de Nantes se situe la Trocquerie, un endroit qui met le troc à l'honneur. Nous sommes partis à la rencontre d'Agathe Violain, créatrice du projet, afin de découvrir son initiative éco-solidaire.
Quando abortire è illegale e parlarne pericoloso: il caso di Malta
Malta è il Paese europeo con la legislazione più restrittiva sull'IVG.
Aleksander Dimitrijevic del movimento pro-aborto Voice For Choice ci racconta di come a rischio non vi sia solo la vita delle donne, ma anche la libertà di opinione di chi l'IVG la sostiene.
IVG, mon corps, mon choix, mon droit !
Suite à la révocation du droit à l'avortement aux États-Unis, un rassemblement a eu lieu vendredi 23 juin en place Bouffay à Nantes pour défendre le droit à l'IVG en France.
Euradio s'est rendu sur place pour recueillir les ressentis des participants.
La storia della legge 194: le origini della depenalizzazione dell’aborto in Italia
Gli anni 70 in Italia furono un decennio a fisarmonica: aperture miste a chiusure scandivano la colonna sonora di un Paese tendente al progressismo, ma timoroso di lasciare le sue posizioni conservatrici, come il crimine dell’aborto.
The Evening Show - Photo Reporting in Ukraine
In this episode of the Evening Show, Maya and Alice provide you with fun plans for your summer and have a great talk with the photographer Denis Meyer about his exhibition ‘celles qui res(is)tent’ !
Host: Maya
Co-host: Alice (newsflash and interview)
Interview 16.00- 30.00