
Anaïs Lecoq

Vannes, France

Anaïs Lecoq

Vannes, France


Freelance journalist, award-winning beer writer, author. I write about French drinking culture and history, with a focus on the beer industry and anything related to gender inequality and discriminations. I'm the author of Maltriarcat (Ed. Nouriturfu 2022), an essay exploring beer through the lens of gender and sexism.


final gravity
Crafted for All
Good Beer Hunting
Le Fooding


Université de Lorraine
Université de Lorraine


French Twist: Colorado’s Outer Range Opens Outpost in Alps

Outer Range Brewing Co. is renowned for its IPAs and outdoor spirit. It was no surprise when its founders decided to open another brewery—but choosing to do it in the French Alps made quite the impression.

France Is Not a Beer Country, but It Could Be

France is famous for its attachment to good food and good alcohol—the French art de vivre. Known for its wine, beer is making inroads.

"Untappd c’est super, si tu es bien noté" : l’app qui dicte le marché de la bière en France

En quelques années, l’application de notation de bière Untappd s’est imposée comme la référence du bon goût pour les amateurs et amatrices de craft en France. Une influence qui perturbe parfois le travail des brasseries artisanales.
Good Beer Hunting

A Survivor Over Four Centuries — Brasserie Meteor in Hochfelden, Alsace, France

In most French cities the size of Hochfelden, the trains don’t bother stopping anymore. Here in the countryside not far from the German border, weeds often cover the tracks, while stations are mostly left unattended, decaying slowly.
final gravity

Echoes from the Past Inside a Pint of German Lager

A French beer writer looks at how beer has tied together family memories and her connection to her own history.

Bosser dans la bière sans se la coller : mission presque (im)possible

Travailler dans le milieu de la bière artisanale et vouloir garder une consommation modérée n’est pas toujours chose aisée si on veut conserver sa place et sa légitimité.
Crafted for All

French Women Are Paving the Way for More Inclusive Beer Festivals

French women are taking the matter into their own hands by launching their own events—or refusing to attend the ones that don’t align with their values—creating safer and more inclusive spaces for them and people of minority backgrounds.
Good Beer Hunting

Garçon, un Picon! — The Past and Future Success of Amer Bière in French Drinking Culture

It can be intimidating for outsiders to order drinks in France, from worries about pronunciation to fears of choosing the wrong pairing. But there’s an easy way to come off as an expert. Just say, with your very best French accent, “Un Picon, s’il vous plaît.”
Good Beer Hunting

The Art of Vinifying Grains — Brasserie Ammonite in Burgundy, France

Simon Lecomte approaches brewing like a winemaker. Located in the Burgundy region, his Brasserie Ammonite produces limited quantities of barrel-aged beers—and it’s made an outsize impression on the French beer scene.
Le Fooding

Et si on mettait de l’eau dans notre vin – littéralement ?

À l’eau, mais à flot ! Les bières, vins et spiritueux qui passent l’éthylotest remplissent de plus en plus les caves des buveur·se·s… mais pas encore suffisamment pour faire poser aux Français·es ce verre qu’ils portent en bannière. Une histoire de godet à moitié vide – ou plein, c’est selon.
Good Beer Hunting

Pas Encore — French Women Are Sick of Waiting for Their Beer Revolution

When a group of French women in beer joined forces to write an open letter demanding equity and inclusion, they expected it to prompt change. Instead, they were met by near-total radio silence. Anaïs Lecoq reflects on the letter’s “failure,” and what’s next, in her new Critical Drinking op-ed.
Le Fooding

À quand un #MeToo de la bière en France ?

Malgré un soulèvement international visant à dénoncer les violences sexistes et sexuelles dans le secteur brassicole, le #MeToo de la bière n’a pas franchi nos frontières. Les brasseurs français seraient-ils moins sexistes, ou seulement mieux protégés ?