Je suis une journaliste télévision passionnée de géopolitique et de sujets de société, j'affectionne particulièrement l'enquête, le documentaire, le médium vidéo ainsi que le podcast.Expérience

Griffith College Dublin
Ecole du Nouveau Journalisme (EFJ)
The impact of ‘citizen journalism’ on the public sphere
During the 21st century, the audio-visual communication has supplanted the writing one which has dominated the informational sphere for a long time.
The emergence of a new generation of websites and social networks has helped to found new areas of communication, information and journalism.
Is there an end for redhead’s discrimination?
All over the world, people who are different from us are seen as ‘weirdo’s’. A red hair person is, from time immemorial, susceptible to be prejudiced or event more, bullied at school or in her workplace. And this discrimination does not only happen to random people, but also to famous one.