Les talents de l'information de France24
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Les réalisations des talents de France24
Can the party last? Johnson defies calls for leadership challenge
Is he living on borrowed time, or does Boris Johnson's brand of populism make the British PM scandal-proof? It's certainly not great optics when a Tory MP crosses the aisle to join the Labour opposition benches during Prime Minister's Questions...
Coup in Burkina Faso: What next after ouster of President Kaboré?
Saying they feel exposed in the face of an Islamist insurgency rampant across the Sahel region, soldiers in Burkina Faso have taken to national television to confirm the ousting of President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré...
War at what price? Russia, NATO weigh cost of Ukraine showdown
The West still doesn't know why war in Ukraine might happen, but it increasingly seems like it's happening. Kiev is trying to keep calm and rally support while being surrounded on three sides and being the recent victim of a cyberattack that feels like a dry run.
If Russia did invade: How far would the West go to support Ukraine?
How strong is the West's resolve when it comes to Ukraine? A steady diet of diplomacy is so far failing to lift the uncertainty over Vladimir Putin's true intentions when it comes to those 100,000 troops amassed at the border.
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