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Les réalisations des talents de France24


17 octobre 1961, un massacre d’Algériens au cœur de Paris


Savez-vous ce qu'il s'est passé le 17 octobre 1961 ? Ce jour-là, une manifestation de “Français musulmans d’Algérie” est violemment réprimée à Paris. Des hommes sont battus, exécutés ou jetés dans la Seine par la police pour avoir manifesté contre un couvre-feu imposé par le préfet de police.


Scorched earth? West weighs stiffer sanctions as Russia denies war crimes in Ukraine


Is it a turning point? There's outrage over the carnage and desolation left behind by retreating Russian forces north of Ukraine's capital. We discuss war crimes accusations in the Kyiv suburb of Bucha and ask whether the Kremlin's ultimate objective is to occupy Ukraine or reduce it to rubble.

The Debate

Can Moscow ignore the outrage? Russia rejects mounting evidence of Ukraine war crimes


Moscow has so far shrugged off hard evidence of summary executions in the liberated Kyiv suburb of Bucha, evidence which continues to mount. As the West dials up sanctions and arms shipments, as Ukraine's president makes his case to the UN Security Council, we gauge the mood in the room.

The Debate

The battle of Donbas: What's Putin's plan for Ukraine now?


They're calling it the battle of Donbas. After nearly two months of mishaps and setbacks, Russia is putting all its might into a bid to capture the entire east of Ukraine. But will it capture it or flatten it? We ask our guests about the Kremlin's endgame and the scramble to re-arm the Ukrainians.

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