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“Ça a duré des heures” : des colons détruisent les aides pour Gaza • Les Observateurs


Un convoi de camions transportant de l’aide humanitaire pour Gaza a été bloqué par des colons qui ont détruit les colis, le 13 mai. Deux activistes israéliennes pour la paix ont tenté de s’interposer. Elles les ont confronté, prenant des soldats de l’armée israélienne à témoin, et ont tout filmé.


Gaza: eating animal feed to not to starve


Animal feed being used to make bread: this is what residents of Gaza have been reduced to in order to survive. Amateur videos show residents of northern Gaza grinding corn and barley with animal feed to make flour for bread.


Scenes of chaos in Northern Gaza over humanitarian aid trucks


Gaza's entire population – about 2.2 million people – is suffering from a crisis or worse levels of food insecurity. This dire situation has caused some Gazans to take to desperate measures to find food and medicine.


Dead babies and starving children in Gaza


At Kamal Adwan paediatric hospital, doctors say at least 10 children have died of starvation while others are in an advanced state of emaciation. The north of Gaza faces famine, where 1/3 children suffer from malnutrition according to WFP.

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