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The Debate

The Debate - The real vaccine? Pfizer claims its drug is 90% effective against Covid-19


News of a vaccine that is 90 percent effective against Covid-19 has sparked widespread hope across the world. The vaccine has been developed by the New York-based drug giant Pfizer and German company…


SpaceX : la tête dans les étoiles... La main sur le portefeuille ?


À Cap Canaveral ce dimanche, quatre astronautes - trois Américains et un Japonais - ont décollé dans une fusée Falcon 9 de la compagnie d'Elon Musk, SpaceX. Direction la Station Spatiale Internationa…

Special edition in Washin...

And the winner is? America braces for post-election battle


François Picard and his guest panel debate the topic of the day. Viewers and web users can interact directly with the team using the #F24Debate hashtag.

Special edition in Washin...

Final countdown: Anxious, divided America votes


It's November 3 and a divided nation is going to the polls in the middle of a pandemic. With record early voting, there will be an anxious wait for results from the US presidential election. Will the loser concede gracefully, or could the United States face a constitutional crisis?

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