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Les réalisations des talents de France24


On a rencontré des retraités de l'e-sport


Imagine t'es retraité·e à 25 ans 😎 Dans le monde de l'e-sport, c'est possible. Alexandre et Jérémy ont 25 et 30 ans et sont d'anciens joueurs pro. Ils nous racontent le métier, son évolution et ses travers. Reportage pour ENTR avec Mehdi Bouhadjeb-Hamdani.

The World This Week

The World This Week


"It's Coming Home" is a pop song written for England's hosting of the Euros back in 1996. There is a petition up before parliament to make next Monday a bank holiday if England win the tournament. It must be tempting to get carried away, especially when there is political mileage to be gained.

The Debate

Return of the Taliban: What next for Afghanistan?


A question of not if but when? The Taliban are continuing to gain ground ahead of the final withdrawal of US-led forces from Afghanistan, so much so that former military commanders predict the fall of Kabul within months.

The World This Week

The World This Week


With US-Russia relations at a post-Cold War low, the bar for success was low on the Lake Geneva shoreline. Before shaking hands with Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden had spent a week rallying the troops at the G7 summit, at the NATO summit and at the EU-US summit.

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